These our from our time working in the village. I can't say enough about these few days. The people and their village were beautiful and welcoming.
The village was certainly the highlight of the trip, none of us can argue that fact. I'll never be able to put India into words, and even trying to, would be a disservice to the place, and what I experienced.
I can't say enough about our time in the village. The kids are something I don't think I'll ever forget.
The village was certainly the highlight of the trip, none of us can argue that fact. I'll never be able to put India into words, and even trying to, would be a disservice to the place, and what I experienced.
I can't say enough about our time in the village. The kids are something I don't think I'll ever forget.
We went to a school
ps: I can't take credit for taking a single one of these pictures