Thursday, February 7, 2008

Elementary school, pt 2.

Another two days at elementary. I love these kids. And for whatever unknown reason, they LOVE me. I think its as I stated before, I'm a big teddy bear to them.

3rd graders are awesome. It was a lot of just hanging out and just bs'ing. And then we played dodgeball. It was a lot like 4th grade, but even more energetic and more fun. They ask for you autograph haha LOVE IT.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Elementary school, pt 1.

So, I finished up my first week at elementary schools. Two schools. 3 days. 2 grades. 9 Classes. Today was 4 classes. I'm dead. I played with 10 year olds from 9:40 - 2:40 basically non stop.

They're so adorable and have WAY too much energy. Not to think highly of myself, but I never thought I'd do as well as I did. It helps that I'm like a giant play thing to them. At lunch we played dodge-ball. It hasn't been outlawed in Japan yet, thank God.

My teaching style? Organized chaos.

Trying to find NEW YORK on a map. Cute.

Ready for action. Shes stretching for her rock, paper, scissors match.

Kanoko's rock beats scissors every time. As does her top side pony tail.

Yeh yeh, I'm joining the, "posting pictures of me with legions of cute Japanese kids" club.