Thursday, November 29, 2007


I'm too lazy to make a real post, but I am alive. - Tim

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


These photos date from July 28th - October(approx). Theres a lot of random stuff from before the blog was made, so I figured I'd drop a bunch of photos at once.

Tokyo subway

Tokyo open air fish market


Mos Burger

First view of Sendai

Eagles are the local professional baseball team


First view from my apartment


Atago Shrine

River by my apartment

Student artwork on worksheet

Monday, November 12, 2007

Cell phone photo dump

So I had a productive day today. I went to the Immigration office to get my multiple reentry permit. Sometimes, things in this country don't make sense to my little foreign mind.

For instance. It costs 6,000yen($60) for the permit. Fine. But can you buy it at the government Immigration office? Nope.

You have to go over here. Its a Tabaco shop across the street. I thought I went to the wrong place because the place was filled with boxes stacked four feet high and no counter or register anywhere to speak of.

And then after you give them the money, what do they give you?

A stamp in a bag. I was worried it would fly away. Then you have to go back, and go through more process. Thankfully though it wasn't crowded, otherwise this would've made me angry.

However, it is becoming Fall here in Sendai. I LOVE LOVE LOVE fall. It is my favorite season. The Japanese are OBSESSED with seasons. At first I thought it was pretty ridiculous, but its kind of hard not to catch the fever.

Sendai has a lot of statues.

Some dude. Looking majestic.

The King.
What'd you do today? -Oh nothing, just hung out with Date!

He even posed for a picture. He was a good sport about it.

haha somebody pushed the boy. It says Don't Enter... basically.


Monday, November 5, 2007

Niigata .. Visiting Mickey

And Jimmy. I went to University with Mickey; we took Japanese together and went to Tokyo together two years ago. Its good to have someone in reach who can save me. Hes 4 hours and $75 (round trip) away by bus. He's in Niigata city on the west coast, almost directly west of me. I'll make a map to put here one day.

First, we visited the mountain by Mickey's apartment.

Mick and I.

And then we went rock climbing.

Mickey killin it.

And then we went back to the mountain and hung out with some racers. WHAT. UP. 60mph+ in the rain on a mountain path.

Amazing trip. What up Japan.